Friday, April 22, 2005

You haven't read this about Jamaica yet...

Jamaica #7

Monday, 1-3-05
Today a lady from the church we're staying at came to wash some clothes for us. Also there was a phone call for Holly from - Jimmy Tucker. Double creepy! Moose talked to him but I don't know what was said. We got on the bus and went to work. When we got there we sat around for a little bit,

playing games, and then we put up 7 boards, and then sat around and chased the little kids.

The kids didn't show up until later because school started again today. There's a little school right next to the church and the kids there weren't the same fter dinner we went to the grocery store to try to find stuff (toys) for the kids and to buy snacks for ourselves. We got the snacks but not the toys. We were wanting to get toys because Deanzel (who I You haven't read this about Jamaica yet...

Jamaica #7

Monday, 1-3-05
Today a lady from the church we're staying at came to wash some clothes for us. Also there was a phone call for Holly from - Jimmy Tucker. Double creepy! Moose talked to him but I don't know what was said. We got on the bus and went to work. When we got there we sat around for a little bit,

playing games, and then we put up 7 boards, and then sat around and chased the little kids.

The kids didn't show up until later because school started again today. There's a little school right next to the church and the kids there weren't the same fter dinner we went to the grocery store to try to find stuff (toys) for the kids and to buy snacks for ourselves. We got the snacks but not the toys. We were wanting to get toys because Deanzel (who I wanted to kidnap)...

s afraid of Santa and Rojay said that Santa didn't come this year. We're wanting to find a bunch of little toys to give all of them on our last day.

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