Wednesday, February 4, 2004

So... that test? Totally easy! There were only 2 questions I didn't know. As far as the life-change thing, we have some time to "fix" them like make them more specific and stuff, after we spent the class time today talking about it. And he said we can totally change our mind about what we want to do, so I'm still trying to think of something that would be really good for me. He was talking today about prayer. How when we pray for someone we usually take it too lightly. I wish I could remember his exact words because they just made me totally stop and go "whoa." But it was something like Are we praying to tell God what to do or praying to ask God what we should do? God doesn't need us to tell Him what to do, He's not a vending machine where we put "prayer" in and get what we want out of it. When we pray for someone else we then have a responsibility, otherwise why are we praying for them? We had a specific example of praying for a friend who is trying to make an important decision. We can pray something like "God give her wisdom in this decision." But what was the point of us praying that when she can pray that herself? (And besides, what makes us think God wouldn't give her wisdom?) Instead, when we pray that, we have become involved, and therefore we must do something about that. We need to help that friend make the decision. Help them weigh the pro's and con's, or just do something. I dunno it sounded better when he said it, I should have taken better notes haha. I wish everyone could take this class. But I'm definately going to think more about what I'm praying for. When I pray for my friends I'm going to follow-up with them on that prayer request and do all I can for them in that area. †

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