Tuesday, February 3, 2004

I'm really excited about this semester. It's going to be spiritually challenging. Last semester, for a number of reasons I won't go into right now, I was really broken. And it's in that brokenness that God can create new life, and reshape us the way He wants us to be. I feel like that is going to happen this semester. With the relationships I'm in (school, home, and far away) as well as the classes I'm in. One particular class I'm really excited about. It's called Living The Christian Faith in a Post-Modern World. It's a Psych class, and one of main assignments is to change something in our life. He just assigned it to us yesterday. He said to base it off 1 Peter 1 and he reminded us that "Christianity is not about what you are not supposed to do, it's about what you are supposed to do." You have to think positively. He gave us two examples. Lust, and drinking. For lust, he said you can't tell yourself "don't think about that girl that way" (or in my case, that guy) because it's like someone saying to you "don't think about a flying hippopotamus" because then that's all you'll be able to think about. So instead we need to think positively, a postive action we can do. In this case it would be look at the girl/guy's eyes. If you're looking at their eyes you're not lusting their body. And for the example of drinking he said not to think "I can't go to a bar" or "I can't order alchohol" instead think "I'm going to order a soda". This really put a new perspective on things, and he used some other examples in the text of 1 Peter 1 that really showed how you can easily apply scripture to your life. So I think tomorrow in class I'm supposed to know what I want to do, so today I'm going to be praying about it and reading and re-reading and reading again, 1 Peter 1.

I'm also reading Job for another one of my classes. This is such a great book. He went through all this suffering and he had no idea why, and yeah, he got mad at God, but he still loved God and he still praised God, and in all of that he did not sin. Just some things to think about...

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