Friday, February 24, 2006

Birthday celebration continues....

First, at work Janet gave me a framed thing that had all the babie's pictures on it and it says "Happy Birthday Holly" on it - it's really cute. She gave it to me yesterday because she wasn't there on Tuesday and Wednesday I don't think she was "there".

Then Angie, Chris, and Stacy and I went salsa dancing. Not that we don't normally go, but this time Angie and I both wore skirts and Stacy wore a dress (we normally just wear pants). Also Stacy and I usually leave around 1:15, 1:30 because I have German at 8:00am every day - but yesterday afternoon I took a nap and then I was able to stay out until it closed - so we got home at like 3:45am. So then I emailed my German prof (good ole Inge!) and told her that I had been salsa dancing and just got back and probably wouldn't be able to wake up for class - so I'm going to the noon class. I love knowing prof's well.

Uhh.. and I didn't break any AU guidelines or anything. What?

Yeah it was a funtime. Oh - so at one point toward the end of the night I was starting to get tired and Chris had left a long time ago, and Angie and Stacy were dancing and so I was just sitting there watching them, letting my feet rest. And I guess I wasn't smiling or anything (who just sits there by themselves and smiles?) Anyway - Supposedly one of Angie's latino friends - Victor - asked her what my name was and why I wasn't smiling. Then she told him it was my birthday. So then he talked to the DJ and then either the DJ or Victor said over the sound system "Happy Birthday Holly. Smile, Holly." It was funny. Then Victor started dancing with me and he said something but the music was loud and all I heard was "for your birthday." Then he just left and had another guy dance with me and I was confused - until I realized he had said something like getting a lot of guys to dance with me. So I would dance with a guy for less than half a song and then he would switch guys haha. It was fun. This lasted for like 3 or 4 songs. Good times. Then they all gave me a group hug ha.

On that note...

Ich bin ein kleiner Indianer.

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