Monday, April 12, 2010

beautiful mess

when i was in high school, and then again in college, i took a spiritual gifts assessment test. both times one of my top three gifts was hospitality. i have always love opening up my home to friends and family, and want any one who enters my house to feel at home.

the past few months have been a little crazy. it seems as though 80% of the time my roommates and i have had some sort of guest staying at our house. (there was a night we were up to eight guests. in one night. people sleeping on the floor all over the house.)

tonight we have two guests. and the house is a mess. it isn't the guests' fault, it's just a mess.

but that's what happens when we allow our friends into our homes, and more importantly, into our hearts.

community, at it's most real moments, is messy. but it's a beautiful mess.

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