Saturday, July 9, 2005

Yesterday - class with Josh as mentioned below. Came back here for lunch (leftover hot dog and a salad). Hung out with some interns. Almost fell asleep on the bed on the porch while wearing a hoodie (it was about 90 degrees). Then went over to Mel's, bearing gifts of Taco Bell and ingredients. The ingredients eventually became chocolate chip cheesecake, though not until the entirety of the extended version of Fellowship was over. Came home. "Girl time" with Stacy Lantz on the porch. Then bed.

Today - well so far I read my email and made coffee. Next is breakfast - leftover blueberry pancakes! Then God time. The cleaning time (myself and laundry). And ladies and gentlemen it is offically going to be the best weekend of the summer! (minus when I was in NYC 'cause you can't beat NYC). Stacy Hewitt, my beloved roommate whom I haven't seen since the beginning of May is coming! Not only that... Jen Ervin, my beloved roommate whom I haven't seen since the beginning of May is coming! Not only that... (there are rumors that) Sara Spitters, my beloved Spitty whom I haven't seen since the beginning of May is coming!

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