Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Hey yo. Crazy week here. But a good one. I need to drink my Jones Soda (cream soda) now so I can tell Stacy what to do (based on what my cap says). It says "you should be able to make money and hold on to it." I'm gonna go tell her. I told her. We applied to her current situation of trying to decide to either do homework, work out, watch TV, or go to bed. I told her that she could apply it two ways. She had a job last semester and made money and she can hold onto that money by doing her homework so she doesn't fail and have to pay to re-take the class. Also, she can do her homework so that in the future she can graduate and get a job and hold onto the money she makes then. She said she'd keep that in mind. But the true motivation is the potty. We'll see.

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