Monday, March 15, 2004

I am back from the best spring break ever. I really mean that. It was full of great hilarious times that I will remember for the rest of my life: everything from Rescue Mom-One-One to the Judy Game and everything in between. We went to awesome places like the Little House on the Prairie and the Wal-Mart Museum. But aside from those the things that will stick with me the most are the things God taught me. He taught me sooo much and right now I'm having a hard time sorting it out. For being the best week ever I sure cried a lot. But tears are not bad, they are needed. I had a chance to talk to Lisa about a friend of ours and for each of us to get some of our worries out to each other and be an ear for each other, and in that process we gave something to that friend that I hope is a gift. I cannot go into details about that for the sake of the friend's privacy. One night I was sitting in the backseat by myself on our way back from who knows where, and I was looking out at the stars. Ryan and Lisa were both pretty quite themselves, and it gave me a chance to think. I thought about how God made those stars for us to enjoy, and even if I was the only person here on this Earth He wouldn't have done anything different. He made that beautiful sky for me. And I just thought about how much He loves me and how much I take that for granted. I thought about those two precious people in the car with me and how important they are to me, and where I would be without them in my life. I thought about how much I love the two of them, and I wondered how much more God loves us, and how impossible it is to comprehend that, because I was having a hard enough time realizing how much I loved them. It was the most peaceful - and yet at the same time frightening (in a good way) experience I've had and it brought me to tears. It's crazy how God decides when to speak to you. I never would have guessed the backseat of Ryan's car on the way back from Kansas or Texas or wherever we went that night.

More on spring break later... busy day.

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