Tuesday, September 22, 2009


remember when i said i needed more silence in my life? yeah. i haven't been too good about that. in fact, i've been going on a whirlwind of activities involving lots of music, coffee, conversations, and friendships. none of which are bad things, at all. but there does come a point when it gets to be a little much. and i think it finally caught up to me.

sunday is supposed to be the day of rest, right? well let me tell you, i rested. a lot. i put in a movie around noon ("secret window") and fell asleep in the middle of it. it ended around two, at which point i moseyed on up to my bed and fell back asleep. until seven. and then i went back to bed at 11pm.

good thing my body knows when i need rest, because sometimes my head doesn't.

but what about the rest for my soul? i finally took a small moment of silence today. as i headed to my coffee shop, i walked in silence and in solitude. granted it was only for two blocks, but it was a still, small moment in my life that i needed. it was a break from the rain (we're drowning here in nash, but it has let up a bit this afternoon), a break from the noise, and a break from reality. and while it's still hot and humid as heck down here, the sound of the leaves crunching beneath my feet was a reminded that fall is on its way. a reminder that as the seasons change in nature, so they will in my life.

this season of my life has been great. i don't know when the season will change, but it will. and i hope that i will embrace it.

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