Thursday, May 4, 2006

Took my last final today and wrote my last paper.

Next step: a job.

Dilemma: I currently have a job here in Anderson. I'm about to go to Japan for 2 weeks. When I get back I'm pretty sure I still have that job. I will have no money after Japan. I have friends to stay with here. I have friends to stay with in the city I plan to move to. I have no job there. Do I come back from Japan and put in a two week notice and stay and work two weeks then move and find a job? Do I just say I can't come back after tomorrow and move right after Japan and find a job? Places are hiring and I've talked to some and they just say "well when you are ready to move then let us know" so I'm thinking it will be easier to find the job when I already live there.

Oh what to do what to do.

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