Wednesday, May 4, 2005

So the past two years finals week has been one of the most fun weeks. I hate today. I hate tomorrow....

So last night Jen, Mel and I went to Wal-Mart late night so I could get tons of boxes. And I did - sucsess! We also played "the game" which was fun, followed by falling asleep at Mel's on the couches. Then comes today...

This morning I came home, grabbed some breakfast and started packing right away. The plan: pack everything that I wouldn't need for tonight/tomorrow morning, then load it up in my car. Cherie was supposed to take me to the Warner Press building where the game show stuff for L'ami is stored at 3, then we were gonna come back here and load the couch onto her truck and then meet Matt over at the church (since I don't have a key yet and he was going to be there at that time anyway) to store my stuff there for the summer. So... It's like 2:30 and I just then notice I have a voice mail. It's Cherie. She called at 12:30 and she had just remembered that she had a final from 3-5. I figured Matt wouldn't be at the church that long, and I need a truck! I started freaking out. I called and IM'd people in town that I knew had trucks - no response, except one from Kelm who said his truck was already full of stuff.

So... I tell Jen that I'm just going to load my car up with what fits, take it to the church and at least ask Matt how long he's going to be there. So I go out to my car and a guy in a black truck drives by - it's Scott Martin. For those who don't know he's employed by the University, something with the Mulitcultural Association or something. Anyway Jen was just like "Hey wanna take a couch to W 14th street for us?" and he said that some girls were going to borrow his truck to move a couch and they'd be done around 5 and that I could borrow it then. So... I HAVE a truck. I just don't know if Matt will be there. So.. I went ahead and drove to the church. Matt wasn't there, I called him, straight to voice mail.

So I drive back to the apartment, it's about 4:45. I call Matt again and he answers, he was finished at the church. I tell him what's going on and he said that I can keep stuff in his garage, but he wouldn't be there this evening and would just keep it unlocked. So... that worked. I got the couch over there and I got my crap over there. So yay for that, but boo for it being so stressful!

So I come home, and by the time I'm done it's like 6 something or 7 something, I don't remember. I really, really wanna go Jennie's movie night. But I was supposed to go see the other apartment I'm living in this summer... the one for next week and August at 8:15pm. So... I just came back from there. And now I have to outline a crapload of chapters and some other stuff, including a take home final, by 10 am tomorrow.

Also tomorrow Cherie wants to go to Warner Press.

Also tomorrow I need to go to the bank with Nicole and Tiffany, but Nicole can't go until 2:44 which means I'll be leaving about 3 hours later than I wanted.

Also tomorrow I need to pack the rest of my stuff that's going to the apartment downtown and take it over there.

Also tomorrow I need to pack the rest of my stuff that is going home with me.

I hate tomorrow.

I hate today.

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